Saturday, November 15, 2008

Content and Presentation for Internet Radio, Podcasting, and Terrestrial Radio: Set Your Own Price

Podcasting and Internet radio is about content and presentation. The written word is king, it is the engine for new digital audio platforms. People are getting news alerts through their cell phones and use Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s) to listen to podcasts. It is important to learn how to take the written word and present it in a concise, informative and entertaining way. Terrestrial radio, podcasting, and Internet radio are becoming sisters in the world of mass communications. This is radio talent coach Sam Weaver and I work with individual broadcasters, helping them utilize their own special skills. Here is the unique part; I let clients set their own price, pay what they can afford. Now there is no excuse to learn content and preparation for podcasts and Internet radio. Checkout, e-mail, or call 1888 680 RADIO (7234).

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