Sunday, December 13, 2009

Radio: How to Be Interviewed

Radio Talent Coach Sam Weaver
1 888 680 7234

E-mail, Radio talent Coach Sam Weaver can also be found on the Internet at facebook, twitter, myspace,technorati, blogtronicis, Linkedin, and

Radio Talent Coach Sam Weaver is coaching motivational speakers “How to Be Interviewed” on the radio. Sam draws upon his 30 plus years of broadcast experience to teach the do's and don’ts of being an interviewee. The most successful people throughout history have been the ones who formulated success in their minds and acted upon dreams and goals. A personal coach can help you stay on your top game or teach you how to get into the game.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Radio Talent Coach Sam Weaver

Sam Weaver is a radio talent coach specializing in Traditional radio, Podcasting, and Internet radio. 1 888 680 7234.

Succeeding in traditional radio, podcasting, or Internet radio, requires self-determination and patience. Make a commitment and seek guidance to achieve broadcasting goals. Every lesson learned is neither good nor bad, both are just part of the path.

The same skills are necessary for old and new media, it is my job as a radio talent coach to help clients become self aware of strengths. To learn more about my services, call 1 888 680 7234, e-mail

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Telecourse: Podcasting, Internet Radio, Teleseminar

"Become the New Media Oprah”, Radio Talent Coach Sam Weaver and New Media Expert Monique Terrell are making it possible for businesses and entrepreneurs to enter the world of Podcasting, Internet radio, and Teleseminars. Sign up now for the four week Telecourse at . Class begins July 16h.

New media has provided a profitable direct communications link between businesses/ entrepreneurs and consumers. Internet radio, Podcasting, and Teleseminar's are the new frontier; the old media of print, radio and television are no longer necessary to reach customers. A call to action opportunity is now available. Radio Talent Coach Sam Weaver and New Media Expert Monique Terrell will host “Become the New Media Oprah”, a four week introductory telecourse providing information for hosting Podcasts, Teleseminar's, and Internet radio shows. Participants will acquire skills to become part of the new media world.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Radio Talent Coach Sam Weaver

Sam Weaver, radio's best talent coach. 1 888 680 7234. Sam concentrates on Traditional radio, Podcasters, Internet radio. Weaver also consults Internet Radio Owners. E-mail,

Radio Coming Full Circle
Radio is reaching the maturation point, Clear Channel just made another empty statement pretending boldness in offering the best and adhering to local radio needs. This is a clear sign of “We don’t know what else to say”. Now is the time for radio personalities to prepare for the next creative wave of the industry. Dust off your skills and be on ready alert. Within the next 16 months there will be new opportunities via medium and small market radio companies. The big boys need cash to pay loan obligations dating back to yesteryear's investment banking days.

Hopefully, all the time off has been put to good use. Do you want to get back into microphone shape? I am offering an affordable tune-up package, fitting the needs of those trying to keep their skills sharp. It is important to be ready; the time is coming for the professionals to go back to work.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Radio Talent Coach Sam Weaver

Sam Weaver, radio's most affordable talent coach,,1 888 680 7234. Traditional radio, Podcasting, Internet radio. Also an Internet Radio Consultant.

The necessary announcing skills for traditional radio success have always been passed to those deemed worthy. Radio talent Coach Sam Weaver attempts to continue this honored practice through his web site at Consolidation in theory was a good thing, however,it has resulted in a lack of attention to maintaining and buildings its most precious commodity, the air personality. Too many program directors have been turned into program managers, resulting in little time to work with air talent. Over the years, ratings have not always been a reflection of the sound of a station. Too much attention to "What can we do without" instead of "What we can do to enhance". This attitude has been prevalent regardless of market size. Programmers, even the experienced ones, have been handicapped by poor ownership decisions. The number one goal for Radio Coach Sam Weaver is to help announcers maximize their talents and reach broadcast goals.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Traditional Radio Personalities: Necessary and Un-necessary

Radio talent Coach Sam Weaver can help you achieve your goals in Traditional radio, Internet radio,or Podcasting. Contact Sam at, 1 888 680 7234. Traditional or Internet, or Podcast personalities can get a free aircheck critique. His services are affordable,letting the client set the price and pay an amount they can afford.

Self-discovery is important in terms of personal growth. For an announcer, every time the microphone is on,it is a chance to connect with the passive and active listener. Give the audience a reason to stick around for the next listening moment on the radio. It might be a brief humorous backsell concerning an artist or a verbal tease of something coming up after the commercial break. Either way, the more time’s listeners can be persuaded to come back and listen; there is a potential for increased ratings. This applies to traditional radio, Podcasting, and Internet radio.

Traditional radio personalities get in the habit of saying unnecessary things like, “Thanks for being here”. It is okay to say if it can be attached it to an actual event, otherwise it is a very general statement and floats into radio space. However, if it was a part of a recorded promotional announcement, got lots of impressions, and was a positioning statement, it might be something people would take to heart and associate with the personality or the station. Necessary versus unnecessary, what does it accomplish? The more unnecessary words or statements are eliminated, the sharper the moment and the show. There was a time when arbitrends didn’t exist; only two Arbitron books a year were released for each rating period and lasted a few weeks. The programming goal was no mistakes. When you think of necessary versus unnecessary, extra words for no reason, focus on the reasons. It is all the little stuff that collectively clutters the airwaves. Radio is an inexact science, so put on the analytical cap, record every show, listen, and make adjustments to improve your daily air presentation.